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Kowa BD 8x56 XD Prominar

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Manufacturer Kowa
Model BD 8x56 XD Prominar
Lens diameter [mm] 56
Magnification [x] 8
Angular field of view [deg] 6
Linear field of view [m/m] 105/1000
Exit pupil [mm] 7
Eye relief [mm] 23
Min. focusing dist. [m] 3
Twilight factor 21.17
Brightness 49
Prisms BaK-4/roof
Dimensions [mm] 168x148x70
Weight [g] 1150
Waterproof Yes
Nitogen filling Yes
Argon filling No
Image stabilization No
Tripod exit Yes
Focusing central
Warranty [years] 10
Price 1849
Additional information
Average rating (1 owners reviews)
Build quality
Optical quality
Accesories and usage
Value for money


4.50 Good
Owners reviews (1)
  1. emkorec
    emkorec 11 May 2017, 10:52
    Build quality
    Optical quality
    Accesories and usage
    Value for money


    IP 81.93.x.x
    Owner since: 1 month
    Price: 1666
    User profile: Professional

    Cons: Very narrow field of view (6 deg. according to specs, 5.8 deg in real.) Too narrow apparent (eyepieces) FOV

    Pros: Sharp across the frame CA only visible at the edges Well built, good mechanics No distortion

    Summary: I can compare it to Delta Titanium 8x56 ED since I had that before. Kowa is a better built construction and looks more a modern bino than Delta T. My Delta had quality issues, however that is not common. Kowa has no issue at all regarding quality. Sharpness and low light performance are the same. Delta has much bigger field of view than Kowa (7.3 vs 5.8 - measured here on allbinos) but Delta has a serious distortion which is very annoying when you are panning with it - looks like you are viewing through a glass sphere). Kowa\'s image has no noticable distortion but it lacks field of view. 5.8 is very very narrow in this class. Imagine the new Minox BL 8x56 HD has 7.8 deg FOV! The difference is about 30m on 100m distance. It\'s huge difference! Even a 7 deg bino makes a remarkable difference, moreover a 6.5 deg bino will give you a noticable difference too. You can live with that but if you switch from a 7 deg old porro from example thant it will be annoying at first time.